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VIII. Center Equitable Electric Transportation 

Equity-centered policies reduce barriers and increase opportunity making the benefits of electric transportation more accessible and affordable for all community members. Policies and strategies to advance equitable transportation should center on diversity and equity from the onset, be grounded in engagement with diverse communities, and should incorporate community needs and wants. Equitable transportation policy can redress public health burden, like the 66% higher exposure to transportation-related air pollution among Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities than white communities. “Equitable transportation electrification ensures that all communities, regardless of race, ethnicity, location, and income level, have increasing opportunities to access and benefit from e-mobility solutions.” EVHybridNoire Public Policy Toolkit.


A. Meaningful Community Engagement with Diverse Communities 
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To ensure a community-wide understanding of electric transportation technology and its benefits, local governments should fund and prioritize education and outreach efforts with diverse communities. As transportation electrification decisions and programs are being made, local governments, school districts, and transit authorities should ensure inputs from diverse communities are incorporated during every phase including planning, implementation, and evaluation. School districts and transit agencies should support and fund electric buses and communities exposed to the greatest amount of pollution should be prioritized for electrification first. 





B. Equitable Charging Infrastructure 
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When opportunities for citing locations for charging stations occur stakeholders should advocate for equitable access to all communities. 



C. Reducing Barriers and Engaging Diverse Consumers

Local governments can provide funding to support the development of community engagement programs for electric transportation including education for car dealers about Electric Vehicles. Local governments can support EV purchases through funding or partnerships to provide vouchers, low-interest financing, and point-of-purchase rebates. These are more effective than traditional rebates for helping lower the initial cost of vehicles, by reducing the amount of financing needed. Also, allowing used EVs to qualify for rebates makes them even more accessible for low-income customers. Targeting incentives to low-income customers via an income cap directs limited funds to consumers who need the benefit the most. Additionally, cities are incorporating micro-mobility solutions like e-bikes and scooters to meet the needs of more residents. 



2023 Update
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